The million channel march
Published: ASIA

WORLD: Powersoft is edging ever closer to what it claims is an industry-first milestone – one million channels of Powersoft power spread throughout the world. In honour of this, the Italian manufacturer has launched the One Million Channels promotional campaign. The figure currently stands at 995,000 and the company is striving for a million by the end of September.
‘To think that we are about to reach one million amplifier channels worldwide is mind-boggling,’ remarked Powersoft’s brand and communications director, Francesco Fanicchi. ‘We wanted to promote this remarkable achievement and at the same time give something back to Powersoft users around the world who trust us with their projects every day and have helped us reach this incredible milestone.’
The company is therefore inviting end users to visit a dedicated landing page – – where they can place their order and automatically enter a draw, with the opportunity to win the value of that order in full.
Each order placed via the campaign page before the end of September will be forwarded and attributed to the relevant reseller and the winner will be decided in a random draw that will be hosted and streamed online after the end of the month, and after the goal of one million channels has been reached.